Intern Blog Series: Thank You

With the semester winding down and this being out last week of classes we would like to say thank you. Thank you to Nourah and the political science department at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville for giving us this opportunity to learn with hands on experience. We have gotten to see a lot this semester. From what it is like to host an event to learning just how much time and effort goes into getting a nonprofit off the ground.                   We would like to say thank you to our parents. The one’s who support our dreams and aspirations in life. The one’s who listen to us and ask us questions about what we are doing in school and in the internship.                   Lastly, we would like to say thank you to you. Thank you to the one that reads our blogs; the ones that support us through donations and through volunteering; the one’s that took the time to listen to our cause; all the students interested in future internships; the professors who pushed us and made our beliefs in this cause stronger; and to all the other people in the world that have impacted us. Without your support, there would be no Global Outreach Leaders (GOL), and there would be a void in this world. GOL has been able to help people around the world and does so without expecting anything in return. It is our pleasure to serve and we will continue to serve until there is no longer a need. ]]>

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