Intern Blog Series: How You Give Back
Giving back to others and to your community doesn’t have to be on a large scale to be important. In other words, there are so many ways that you can give back on a daily basis and each time you do, you make an impact on someone’s life that you may not even realize you are making. The impact you make goes further than just a monetary amount or a simple gesture. Think about a time where a friend or even a stranger was kind to you or helped you when no one else did, and think about how much that meant to you in that moment. Whether they gave you money or merely gave you some encouraging words at a time you may have needed it most. The feeling you get when being helped is such a nice feeling, but even better than that is the feeling of knowing that you were able to make a difference in someone’s life by doing something small. The feeling you had towards that person in that moment is the feeling we strive to give to each person we reach out to at Global Outreach Leaders. The gestures we perform are on a large scale but with each family whose lives we make a little easier makes the entire operation worth it. Right now, helping in Greece by trying to provide homes for families and by providing the means that will allow them to assimilate back into society with ease. We are so glad to be able to make the change that we do, and we hope that you choose to join us. The feeling you get in your heart after helping others is so priceless. Cieria]]>